Thales biography ppt for kids

Thales biography ppt for kids free Tags: kyle thales. According to the 10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia Suda , Thales had been the "teacher and kineman" of Anaximander. He calculated the duration of the year and the timings of the equinoxes and solstices. Today pyramids can be measured much more precisely using satellites, air pressure or density, and lasers.


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Thales of Miletus was a Greek philosopher who lived from around BC and is considered one of the earliest pre-Socratic philosophers. He made important contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including being the first to prove geometrical theorems and using geometry to measure the height of pyramids and distance of ships at sea.

He is also credited with predicting a solar eclipse.


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Thales of Miletus was a Greek philosopher who lived from around BC and is considered one of the earliest pre-Socratic philosophers.

He made important contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including being the first to prove geometrical theorems and using geometry to measure the height of pyramids and distance of ships at sea. He is also credited with predicting a solar eclipse.

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Thales of Miletus was a Greek philosopher who lived from around BC and is considered one of the earliest pre-Socratic philosophers.

He made important contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including being the first to prove geometrical theorems and using geometry to measure the height of pyramids and distance of ships at sea.

Biography ppt Thales' Shadow Thales' Shadow. Ethics metaphysics mathematics astronomy. Natural Philosophers in Ancient Greece. Thales was the first to state the basic theorems of geometry.

He is also credited with predicting a solar eclipse.


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Thales of Miletus was a Greek philosopher who lived from around BC and is considered one of the earliest pre-Socratic philosophers.

He made important contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including being the first to prove geometrical theorems and using geometry to measure the height of pyramids and distance of ships at sea. He is also credited with predicting a solar eclipse.


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• Full name Thales of Miletus (Θαλῆς ὁ Μιλήσιος)

• Born : ca.

– BC Died ca. – BC
• School: Ionian Philosophy, Milesian school,
• Main interests: Ethics, Metaphysics, Mathematics,
• Notable ideas: Water is the physis, Thales' theorem
• Babylonian astronomy & Ancient Egyptian
mathematics and religion
• Thales
( – SM)
• Riwayat
Perintis matematika dan filsafat Yunani adalah Thales.

Lahir dan
meninggal di kota kecil Miletus yang terletak di pantai barat Asia
Kecil, sebuah kota yang menjadi pusat perdagangan.
• Kapal-kapal pedagang dengan mudah berlayar ke Nil di Mesir,
sedangkan karavan melakukan perjalanan lewat darat menuju
kota di Babylon.
• Pendudulk Militus suka melakukan kontak dagang dengan kota-
kota di Yunani dan warga Phoenisia.

Di kota ini juga merupakan
tempat pertemuan [dunia] Timur dan Barat, dan tempat lahirnya
• Thales was known for his innovative use of geometry.
His understanding was theoretical as well as practical.
For example, he said:
Megiston topos: hapanta gar chorei (Μέγιστον τόπος·
άπαντα γαρ χωρεί) ”Space is the greatest thing, as it
contains all things” Topos is in Newtonian-style space,
since the verb, chorei, has the connotation of yielding
before things, or spreading out to make room for
them, which is Template:Extension (metaphysics).
Within this extension, things have a position.

Thales biography ppt for kids Snell, maintain that Aristotle was relying on a pre-Platonic written record by Hippias rather than oral tradition, this is a controversial position. Modification Knowing what we know about similar triangles, did Thales have to wait for the time of day when the length of his shadow equaled his height? Another version of the story has Aristotle explain that Thales had reserved presses in advance, at a discount, and could rent them out at a high price when demand peaked, following his prediction of a particularly good harvest. In addition, his supposed mother, Cleobulina, has also been described as his companion instead of his mother.

lines, planes and solids related by distances and
angles follow from this presumption.
• Thales understood similar triangles and
right triangles, and what is more, used that
knowledge in practical ways. The story is told
in DL (loc. cit.) that he measured the height of
the pyramids by their shadows at the moment
when his own shadow was equal to his height.
A right triangle with two equal legs is a
degree right triangle, all of which are similar.
The length of the pyramid’s shadow measured
from the center of the pyramid at that moment
must have been equal to its height.
• This story indicates that he was familiar with
the Egyptian seked, or seqed - the ratio of the
run to the rise of a slope (cotangent).

seked is at the base of problems 56, 57, 58,
59 and 60 of the Rhind papyrus - an ancient
Egyptian mathematics document.
• Our cotangents require the same units for run
and rise, but the papyrus uses cubits for rise
and palms for run, resulting in different (but
still characteristic) numbers.

Thales biography ppt for kids download Thales of Miletus Thales of Miletus. Social Studies Philosopher PowerPoint Masia 4 Q Thales is recognized for breaking from the use of mythology to explain the world and the universe, instead explaining natural objects and phenomena by offering naturalistic theories and hypotheses.

Since there were
7 palms in a cubit, the seked was 7 times the
• Thales’ Theorem is stated in another article.
(Actually there are two theorems called Theorem
of Thales, one having to do with a triangle
inscribed in a circle and having the circle's
diameter as one leg, the other theorem being also
called the intercept theorem.) In addition
Eudemus attributed to him the discovery that a
circle is bisected by its diameter, that the base
angles of an isosceles triangle are equal and that
vertical angles are equal.

It would be hard to
imagine civilization without these theorems
• Theorema Thales
Thales mengemukakan proposisi yang dikenal dengan theorema
Thales, iaitu:
• Lingkaran dibagi dua oleh garis yang melalui pusatnya yang
disebut dengan diameter.
• Besarnya sudut-sudut alas segitiga sama kali adalah sama besar.
• Sudut-sudut vertikal yang terbentuk dari dua garis sejajar yang
dipotong oleh sebuah garis lurus menyilang, sama besarnya.
• Apabila sepasang sisinya, sepasang sudut yang terletak pada sisi
itu dan sepasang sudut yang terletak dihadapan sisi itu sama
besarnya, maka kedua segitiga itu dikatakan sama sebangun.
• Segitiga dengan alas diketahui dan sudut tertentu dapat
digunakan untuk mengukur jarak kapal.
• Aktivitas Thales lebih dikenal – dari berbagai sumber terpisah,
sebagai matematikawan terapan.

Mengukur tinggi piramida
dengan mengukur tinggi bayangan dengan menggunakan tongkat,
memprediksi gerhana matahari, menentukan setahun adalah
hari (sudah dikenal lama oleh bangsa Mesir) maupun jarak kapal
di laut dengan lewat cara proporsi/memadankan bentuk segitiga
adalah catatan “kehebatan” Thales.

• Gerhana matahari disebutkannya akan terjadi pada tanggal 28 Mei

atau 30 September pada tahun SM.

Catatan yang ada
menyebutkan bahwa gerhana matahari terjadi setiap kurun waktu
18 tahun 11 hari. Ketepatan prediksi ini membuat namanya sangat
terkenal dan diabadikan sebagai salah satu dari tujuh orang bijak
(sage) yang terdapat pada hikayat Yunani

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